The internet is relentless, and users demand more and better content by the minute: producing is nothing but staying ahead of the curve.
Types of content and their uses: a short guide

A blog by Cozmic Group
The internet is relentless, and users demand more and better content by the minute: producing is nothing but staying ahead of the curve.
One of the first PR disasters in history that succeeded in going viral took place almost a decade ago.
When your fanbase is counted in the thousands (or millions), posting things on social media becomes a very serious thing.
Companies of all sizes have embarked on collaboration projects with other brands. Some notable recent cases include Google with Nestle (which took place during the release of the KitKat version of Android) and the one with Nike and Apple (for tech-enhanced sportswear and gadgets).
Nowadays, every brand – big or small – needs a consistent online presence.
Hackathons have become a welcome addition to the sometimes cold world of programming.
Productivity is a decisive factor in the production performance of businesses and organizations.
Getting leads requires a combination of marketing, advertising, branding, production and analysis efforts within a clearly defined strategy.
Small businesses today can rely on these three elements to produce astonishing marketing videos at scandalously low costs.
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